Wednesday, November 26, 2008

12 Days of Christmas

Ok so this is really hard to do..... I really want to win this wonderful prize over on You may have seen the link on my sidebar for a while now. And sadley I have not won yet. But this could be the time! And to get extra chances to win I had to tell all of you about it. Im just kidding. No hard feelings if you win. You had just better give me one of the really pretty necklaces out of it :) So not kidding about that :) Good luck to you all!

I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Let's Go Red Raiders

**** Update....... Sad Sad Days. But we still love you Red Raiders.
I don't know what your doing tonight but I'm pretty sure you can guess what my family is doing!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Our new family Member

I have waited to post this for over a week now. Meet the new member of the Iversen Family!!!!!

Scooby Doo ....... yep that's what I said. His name is Scooby. Ansley couldn't decide between Toto or Scooby. I told her over and over that both are dog names but she persisted (and it is her cat). Last weekend Eric and Ansley went to Pets Mart to get her some more fish (sadly we do this every few months). The Humane Society was there with all there dogs and kittys. Scooby was rescued from a house with 15 other cats..... thats crazy! Can you imagine the smell. Anyway when I got home Eric tells me about this cat that is just huge and is such a lover and would be great for a family with kids. And then asks me if I wanted to go see it. I kindly said "I don't want to see a cat if I cant have it". I have been asking for a cat (or a baby) for a while now..... Ansley is just the right age to have responsibility for one (a cat, not a baby). We head on up to the store "just to look" and the nice lady says we can take him home for a week for a trial run and see how it goes. That is why I haven't blogged about him because we were not sure if it would work out or not. We have a dog (Reeses) that is very much a house dog.... I mean literally she is outside maybe 20 minutes total all day. But she could care less about the cat and the cat just keeps his distance. Scooby is truly Ansley's kitty. He sleeps in her bed and comes running anytime she calls. Its really a great match. He has not hissed scratched or anything... pretty purrrrfect. (Sorry I couldn't resist that cheesiness) Ansley is so in love with Scooby Doo.

He really is huge :)
Oh and Ansley got her hair cut!!!!!! I love it!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Empowered and Encouraged

No pictures today....... well not as of yet :) Just doing laundry and Ansley is painting .....that's not a very exciting picture.
I have been getting a lot of calls and emails asking how I'm doing. Thank you all for thinking of me! I thought this was the easiest way to let you all know. I am doing a lot better. I don't use a cane anymore! Crazy thing.... I miss it. I don't feel very confident yet with out it but they say it comes with time. I can get in the car like a normal person! Yeah! I'm sending the hospital bed back today. So I get my living room back... Another Yeah!!! Its nice to get into my own bed after not sleeping in it for so long. I will say it is really physically hard to get out in the morning .....but so worth it :) I go to the Dr for my six week check up the end of next week. But I think everything is going pretty good. I still have a limp but I think it also will get better (it better ..... I didn't do all this to walk funny the rest of my life). I want to thank all of you for the prayers and just being there for me I know I'm not the best patient. In fact I don't have much Patience for anything :)
To change topics completely (read my first blog if this bothers you). I often read the blog bring the rain (so proud of myself that I figured out the link thingy). I digress.... I often read the blog bring the rain and I love this post and thought I would share it with all of you. I don't know about you but I wasn't to excited about the results of the presidential election on Tuesday night. Most of my thoughts were (are) about what kind of world are we going to leave to our children. I felt helpless and really insignificant in this big world. And since then I have really been praying for Ansley but I read that post and got so excited to realize I wasn't the only one that felt the need to pray. Don't get me wrong I pray all the time for her but I was so excited to see Angie take the time to find scriptures. It made me feel empowered because I can make a difference in Ansley's life and that is a huge deal. So read it and I hope it inspires you to find your own scriptures for your children (or use those) I feel like God has been pulling on my heart more and more to surround my life with prayer. For my country, husband, child, family, friends, and myself. I hope you too feel empowered and encouraged.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Quack Quack

I know two posts in one day...... crazy huh?! I just want to say I have the best job in the world.

Today Ansley and I had lunch then went to the local library. We read a few books and she checked out a few to read later at home. Then we went to the park by our house to feed the ducks. No lie ..... we stepped out of the car and here they came. Ansley had to sit on the picnic table and throw the bread. It was attack of the ducks. But so fun!!!! I'm trying to take advantage of the rest of this year with her. School is just around the corner and time goes so fast!

After the ducks she played on the playground for a little while. She is now asleep in her bed for her 2 hr nap. Did I mention I have the best job ever?

So the message in this post is..... if you have any stale bread I know some really hungry ducks :)
Love ya

Birthday Party and Trick or Treating

She's Five!!!! A Whole Hand!!!

These posts will probably always go together. Ansley's birthday is exactly a week from Halloween. This was the first year I actually let her wear her costume to her party. A few of the other kids wore theres too. From the pictures I have it looks like her party was in a bar :) But it wasn't ...... it was in my Dad and Barbies game room. No bars yet!

I couldn't get a picture with everyone. There was at least 40 or so people there! We have great family and friends!

On to Halloween...... Ansley was Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) so far she has been Cinderella, Ariel, and Tinkerbell. The way I see it we have just a few more princess and then she can be something fun like a lady bug or a kitty. Maybe next year I can talk her into something else. But read the post below and like I said she knows her own mind and she is pretty adamant about her costumes :) And hey I have to pick my battles..... and this one isn't a big one :) The girls got all dressed up and we went to grab a bite to eat at McDonald's. Oh and that was an adventure in it self. Abby reached across the table and spilled a huge orange drink in my lap......thank the lord it was my lap and not Ansleys. I'm pretty sure the world would have come to an end as we knew it :) So I went home and changed and trick or treating went as planned. We visited all the family and then went door to door in Nanny and Gramp's neighborhood. They got more candy then they could ever eat so of course being the good mom, I might have to help :) All in all it was a GREAT night and the girls had fun.

At McDonald's before the incident.

Trick or treating at Grandma's house. Kinley was a Red Raider Cheerleader. I tried all night and this was the best picture I got of her. Stinker! :)
Stole this one from Haley!

I couldnt post and not say anything about that GREAT game!